Not The Campbells Version

Posted on October 23, 2011


A waterbar in New York's Catskill Mountains. T...

Image via Wikipedia

Life is too short and I have too many ideas, I will never get to do everything I want to. That is my biggest regret. Its not over yet, its just that its so darn busy all the time, and having time to relax is, how can I put it? Beautiful. Utterly beautiful. Partly I say this because I’m heavy with an autumn bug, fatigue leaning on every molecule of me. Part of me would love to spend the day curled up in a big puffy comforter, slipping between sleep and wakefulness as the sun peeks in and out of my curtains. When I awoke I would drink lemon tea. Actually, put me outside in a hammock, since I’m imagining, all bundled up in the sun.

My real day has me upright and typing. Its something I have always done and when I stop, its not long before I start again. I write fiction, essays and well, little aimless vignettes (we’ll dress it up, shall we). Otherwise, I have been spending the day with H. (husband) and O. (Older). We slept in a little bit, and had a wonderful walk at Shubie this afternoon. There is something about today, that is completely perfect. The leaves are turning and at Shubie it is like walking through a tunnel of leaves in yellows, oranges, browns and reds. The air is clear and perfectly crisp, the water still. The sky is blue, and nature really seems to be in perfect harmony. There were heaps of people on the hiking trail with their dogs and I wonder if it is possible for anyone to be unhappy on a day like this. Of course it must be, but there’s no evidence of it, when you go outside its all sweet smells, lightness and pleasure.

Now I’m looking at making Scotch broth. Something like the Campbell’s version- only not at all. Nothing from my kitchen tastes like its from a can! But its undeniable that I am seeking to create something which I had with regularity in my childhood and it was from a can, then. Soup is my favourite food when I’m sick, and I like it filled with veggies, meat and noodles. It is my most kindred comfort food.

I missed my run today due to sore throat, but I went to a yoga class today and the teacher was a young fellow. He kept inviting us to breathe in gratitude, and I think I actually did. When I think about my life,  I am greatful for the gifts I have been given. Many are just the gifts of chance and genes, wonderful health (though not today), strength and enthusiasm, and the ability to interpret and understand my world. The latter is the greatest gift I could possibly receive as there is so much blindness and pain in the world today (read the newspaper if you want to know what I am referring to – any newspaper at all). On a personal level though, I have been truly spoiled in love, and that is is the gift that nourishes me most thoroughly and most consistently in my life.

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